It's YOUR world 🌎

Bringing fans into your world and keeping them in it

You don’t need to reinvent the artist marketing wheel. Growth comes from identifying what works for you and honestly… repeating it 💡 Your approach should always be unique to your brand and the world you're creating around it.

The Goal: Invite fans in to your world, capture their interest and as a result keep them engaged and interested in staying in your world 🌎

Two Key Points to Consider 👇

Establishing Your Differentiating Factor 💫

Your brand is your distinct identity as an artist. It's built around what makes you and your music unique.

The first question to ask yourself

Why would someone be interested in listening to my music rather than a different artist in my genre? 🤔

Take a second to answer that. The answer doesn’t have to be crazy out of the box. it could be as simple as you live in a small suburb. This small aspect of you can be the differentiating factor that you leverage. Develop this to a point where you’re no longer another R&B artist but the “R&B artist from a small suburb that keeps it real”.

Different ways you can lean in to your differentiating factor👇

  • Share your struggles

  • Share your mindset

  • Share what your daily life looks like

  • Create a storyline around your differentiating factor

Fans aren’t looking for another version of an existing artist, they want to connect with the real YOU ⭐️

If It’s Not Broken Don’t Fix It 🛠

Once you’ve established your brand it’s time to invite fans in to your world💌

First, If you've witnessed success with a particular strategy, like an ad consistently bringing in new fans… theres nothing wrong with continuing to use it.

Russ running an ad on a record from 2021 👀

Remember the goal is to bring fans in to your world 🌎 if something creates that stop scroll affect and calls for your fans to click on it every time… keep using it!

Create the strongest opportunity for fans to find you and be open to the fact that this can look like running ads on a song that dropped a couple of years ago. Once they’re in the door I promise they will want more and will explore the rest of your catalog 🚪

Effective marketing makes fans feel like they discovered you… whole time you found them.

Class is Back in Session 🎓

Come learn Barry Hefner’s infamous “Inside/Outside Theory” that he’s applied in developing rap duo EarthGang, JID, singer Njomza, and emerging star Sofaygo 🚀

He’s going to be dropping gems on mastering the blueprint for artist development that will not only help you set yourself apart but also lay the foundation for long-term sustainable success as an artist 🏆

RSVP now open: Tuesday February 27th at 1 PM EST 📅

If you’ve made it this far… Heres a little sneak peak of something we’re dropping very soon 👀

Our product team has been working on creating more tools to bring fans in to your world 🌎

More customization, more ownership, more data all in your control🚀

Thanks for reading, signing off now 💜